Thursday, September 23, 2010

HW#3Food - Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

From class on wednseday I saw and learned a little more then what I knew. I told that a fast food restaurant would have more people there then market. But I was wrong, I saw a lot more people at the market then at wendy's. I also noticed that at the market most of the people were adults. I also saw that there more white people. And the market was bigger then wendy's.
I also saw noticed that the people working at the market knew about what they were selling. Like when I went to wendy's I over heard natalie and abe asking questions the lady knew what she was selling but you had to ask. where as at the maket they would tell you before you asked. They knew how much so or so was put into the item. I also saw that food was health.
I most go to fast food restaurant. But after going to the greenmarket I was saw how I could be eating better. I think that the reason why I go fast food restaurant is becuase the food is made fast. I don't have time to pick out fresh fruit, then cut them and make fruit salad. And my mom don't have enough time go clean the fish, cut and then cook. But it would be better to do this so that we know what we are eating.

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