Monday, April 4, 2011

HW 42 - Pregnancy & birth culminating project

I thought I would start of by asking my family/ people that I know and ask them what they know about birth and what they went trough. But must of all I am going to see what they think about doctors and midwives. Afters asking them what they know about everything I am going to tell about eveything that I know of and see how their thought about everything. I decided to do this becuase I think that it is impornt for women to know about away to have their babies in a safe and comfortable way. So here are the questions that I ask them.

1.Did you have a doctor or a midwife?
2.What did you choose to go with this person?
3.How was your birth?
4.What do you know about midwives?
5.What do you know about doctors?
6.If you pregnant now would you want a doctor or a midwife and why?
7. Did you have a home birth or hospital?

Person 1:
1. Midwife
2. I wanted a midwife because it was somthing different for me.
3. Birth was excellent. I had no labor pains, gave birth the way that I wanted to.
4. I don't know that much about them
5. I don't know that much about them.
6. I would choose a midwife again because of how great it went the first time. But this time I would think about having it home.
7. Hospital

Person 2:
1. Doctor
2. I choose a doctor because I trusted her and I felt that she was going to listen to me and help me have the birth that I wanted to have.
3. My birth process was great. I had boy like I wanted and I had a naturally birth. No durgs and no c-section. And most of all they didn't rush me to have my baby.
4. I know that they are compassoniate, warm, and gentle.
5. I know that some are great it just depends on where you go and who you have as a doctor.
6. If I was pregnant now I would research and pick a midwife, because it would be something new and I heard that they are really great.
7. Hospital

Person 3:
1. I had a midwife. Her name was Sonia, I had her for both my pregancies.
2. I didn't choose her, my health plan appointed me to her.
3. Giving birth for me was scary both times, because even though they were both vaginal they were a little different, The first one I went to the hospital 3 times before they actually admitted me. My water didn't break so they stuck theis long plastic stick with a hook at the end of the tip to break it. Then they told me to do squats because he was not turned the arounfd fully. The second pregancy , my water broke. He came much easier.
4. Midwives are childhood assistance.
5. Doctors get paid a lot of money.
6. Honestly I really don't know the difference in a doctor and a midwife. I never gave it to much thought. But my midwife did eeverything fro me besides push the baby out.

Person 4:
1. A doctor
2. North Central didn't have midwives
3. First birth had to have a c-section and alot of medication "she was losing oxygen", second birth was natural and painful>
4. Midwives are patience, have more knowledge on holistic treatmeant for birth
5. They are human being like us. They just want to school to be a doctor
6. I would want a midwife.

Person 5:
2.Because doctors know what they are doing.
3.I had 8 kids so I can't really rememeber but I just know that it was painful.
4. I don't know anything about midwives
5. Doctors are good at what they do and know how to fix things when it becomes dangerous.
6. A doctor because that is their job.
7. Hospital

After talking to them I came to see that most of them would go with doctors. And that they go with doctors because don't really know that much about midwives, nor do they know alot about doctors. When comes down to it how can you choose something different if you don't even know the problems with the way that you doing it. So I decided that with all the information that I got in class I would tell them and see how their thoughts changed. So in my opinion midwives are better so I tried to explain to them why they should have a midwife.

So after talking to the my friends/ faomily all but one said that they would go with a midwife. My sister did really know much about midwives but did have my niece with a midwife. She had heard a lot of good things about them and thought that since this was a her first way not try something that everyone does not. But I think that she really went with it is because of my mother. When told to my mom about this class she said that she always want a midwife but they were not alot around both times she was pregnant. But As my mom got older she became more spiritual, and she beileves that the body will take acre of itself. She even has tea that you can drink to help with the body, and as a matter of fact she had gave my sister one of these tea's that stopped my sister form having labor pains.

When talking to my grandma she still thinks that you should leave it up to a doctor. She feels that this is their job they went to school for it and that midwives are not on the same level as a doctor. Even after telling her that midwives have to go to school, that doctors rush your labor so that they can end up giving you a c-section she still says that people should have a baby with doctors. And that having you baby at home is not a smart idea.

Even though my cousin is already pregnant And i think it is to late to change over to a midwife I talked to her about to let her know that she does not have to have her baby the way that society thinks you should. That you can have you baby in a safe way for you and the baby. That you can be comfortable. So at the end of all this I do think that I could have told more people about birth but I feel that it ios better to talk to 5 people and really get them to listen them to 10 and have then only geth half of what I am saying.


  1. I thought that your post was pretty interesting. Your method was smart because you basically made a survey and asked 5 family members to answer some questions about their birth preference. I agree a lot of women do chose doctors more because they don't have much knowledge. we should create an information blog, and add all of our experiences/research.

    What i like about your project is that you posted your survey and each persons answers in a way that we could comprehend it easily.

    This project mattered to me because i want a midwife and because my exhibition paper will be on midwife's and doctors. Your project gave me the idea of making a survey, that could be good for my paper too besides increasing the amount of knowledge i have on birth.

    Maybe something you could improve on is your elevator speech, great posture though!
    =] great job!

  2. The study you conduction seems to suggest that the reason most women give birth in hospitals is because they do not have an knowledge concerning the alternatives.
    midwifes are a same opinion in giving birth. Unlike hospital they can create a more 'homie' and more comfortable atmosphere for the mother. I really liked how you wrote your piece on such a personal level. The interviews and stories provided firsthand evidence.

    Something to think about for future works would be to incorporate facts from other creditable sources. In addition, it might be interesting to address the pros and cons of what the interviewed women had talked about. or maybe inform these women about midwifes and record if they experience any change in ideology.

    Very good topic and idea. i enjoyed reading it. :)
