Saturday, April 30, 2011

HW 50 - First Third of Care-of-the-Dead Book Post

In the first third of the book the Johnson's find out that their daughter has died. So they are at the funeral home talking to Tom Fielding to figure out what they are going to do with their daughter. What they come to see is that funerals are a lot of moeny. And they are seeing that they don't have enough money to do what they have to for her but they feel that this by giving her the best funeral that is their last way to show her that they care about her.What also going on in this first thrid is what does down after the funeral and stuff. How you are still payign for the funeral and still dealing wit the fact that they have lost a child.

"Show me the manner in which a nation cares for its deead, and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender mercies of its people, their respect for the laws of the land and their loyalty to high ideals. "

"young parents tend to want to pamper their children right up to the end- as a sigh of love, out of a sense of guilt- regardless of what they cab afford."

I find it interesting that I had my faimly whay they think it cost so much and they could not answer me. And even though they didn't really say why it is much I think that most people don't complain about the cost because of the fact that this is the last way to show this person that you care. Even though they don't know that I think people make them selves believe that so that they can move on in life and not feel guilty. But that part really mad me think and wonder the real answer to why it cost so much and why most people don't seem to care about how much it cost.

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