Sunday, February 27, 2011

HW 36 - Pregnancy & Birth Stories

1. How did pregnancy affect you physically, emotionally, or in other ways?
2. What did you do, while pregnant, to prepare for giving birth?
3. What actions and attitudes by specific other people made your pregnancy and birth more joyous? More challenging?
4. What thoughts and feelings influenced your choice to make a baby?
5. What feelings come back to you when you remember labor and giving birth

Aunt Nessa:
1.I was sick in the first three months. I was happy for first child because I was 26 and wanted a baby. My second child I was like oh shit, I was a little scared because I was not ready for this one or had planeed it.
2.While I was pregnant I read alot of books, did alot of walking, I also took classes on things, and saw the doctors alot to make sure everything is ok
3.Their daddy was happy and everyone was happy for me good
4.The reason why I had my baby is because I was ready to be a mother, and because O was making good money to take care of me and my baby
5.While I was pregnant I had beautiful skin and I did go through what some women say they go through butr the labor part was the worst part of my life. I would never wish that on anyone I know or hate.

My Sister:
My sister was 19 when she found out she was pregnant with my niece. She tried top hide it from my mom as lomg as she could until she started to show. My mom was sad that she was having a baby so young but she did help my sister 100 percent. And she as happy that she got a granddaughter. But sometimes my sister wishes she would have waited to have my niece so that she could of had a life and go out with her friends. and the crazy part is that all her close friends had babies the same year she had my niece.

My Mom:
My mom had me and my sieter. My sister was more of a surprise to my mom she was 16 and was not ready nor did she know she was pregnant. She went 4 months with out knowing that she was having a baby and by the time she found out she had to have her. And on top of that my sister cane out after 6 months and sooo small. And everyone was disappionted in my mom and since my mom was 16 she was unfit to take care of a child so my grandmother did. So my mom knew that her next child was going to be when she was ready to take care of a child in all the ways she could.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 35 - Other Peoples' Perspectives 1

Most people my age or in my age range kind of feel that same way. We mostly feel like we are to youg to have kids. But there are some kids that do find it cute to have kids when they young, not really knowing what it is really like to have a baby. Even from looking at the show 16 and pregnant these girls have babies and show the whole world how they should not be having kids or ready to be mothers but they think that it is cute. And know people are get pregnant just to be on the show, it seems like now days having a baby is something that is looked at as something that not that serious.

So I asked people that I know wat they think and this what they said:

My sister: I never wanted to have kids at a young age. But I ended up getting pregnant at 19 and having a baby at 20. At first it was cute because me and my friend were all pregnant at the same time and we had little thoughts about how our life would be. That quickly changed after I started to show and my mom saw and got on my case. Then as I got closer to my due date I realize life would not be the same or the way I thought.

Nia: I think that it is dumb because we are still kids and we don't know enought for another life to be dependent on us

Tykeem: Well I think that it is stupid because that means that they wasn't using protection so that meand that really didn't care to begin with. But I us to it because there are a lot of pregnant girls and mother at Clinton. I mean me personally it don't mean nothing to mean because I am not with them.

Queen: I wouldn't have a baby I would get an abortion. And I would be scared and nervous.

Marquis:It is kind of dumb becuase they are still young. And then most of the time the man leaves they, so they are stuck with a baby by their selves.

Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

Birth..... when I think of birth I think of pain. And people always say it is the worst pain but could it be more worst then getting ran over by 10 cars? From being in the room watching my sister my niece I could feel/ imagine the pain that she was going through in my stomach but I feel that same pain when I see anything that looks painful. But I think that as humans when we don't know how something is going to be or feel we come up with the worst pain and it doesn't even feel as bad as we thought. So does that mean giving birth really hurt or we are just making it more then we know because we have not gone through it.

Another thing I think about is what if someone doesn't want it have their baby but they have to have. Like do you go through those 6-9 months carrying the baby to just give it up, or do you keep it? And in this time people look at you crazy if you do decide to give up your baby. They say how could you care something for 9 months and not feel close to it. But I don't think that they are noit thinking about that , I feel that they would want to keep a baay that has you in t. But the it is not about you it is about the kid, what is going to be best for the kid.

How can some one be pregnant and not know it?
What does it feel like to know you have a person inside of you?
Why don't babies remember anything?
When does it become real when you have the baby or when you know about it?
Do men feel the same about being a father as women do about being a mother?
What is really going on in the body throughout the 9 months