Monday, May 9, 2011

HW 53 - Independent Research A

From reading Daily Life in the Business of Death Scott Palmer grew up around death and didn't find it weird or scary, and from just reading that part I still don't understand why. And maybe if I did grow up with death all around me I would probably thing it is normal but how could I possible thing it is normal and ok and scary when I have no answers. Even from watching the movie in class today that lady "that seeing your love ones and having them around to get use to the idea that they are gone helps you be les scared." But how when they can't come back and tell you what death is like. And I think that that is where my fear comes from. The idea that I don't know what to think I have to proof that there is an heaven or a hell, that i am turned into someone else or that i just lay there and forget every beautiful and heart breaking moments.

From interviewing someone that works in a funeral home I got the same I am not scared of dying thing and when I asked why not they said because they can just look at the person and know that everything is ok. That there is a beauty in it all. Another thing that I thought was something that I thought was pretty cool was that the man said working at a funeral home he is more willing to live life and do what he can live for today and not tomorrow. And I feel like i say that but don't really do it.

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