Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HW 56 - Culminating Project Comments

Hey Sarah,
I think that it is cool that you can sit down and think about they way to want to be care for after you die. Because the truth is thst even though we have been talking about it in class I have not really stuck to what I want because I don't want to think about me dying. But I like how you want to be put in the water because it makes you calm. And to be die and still be in an place that you calm in is cool. And my miami? just wonder.

Hey Abdul,
I think that it was cool that you could sit down and really talk to your mom about this. As well as her taking this serious because i know that we all going to die but not everyone can talk about nor go out and change the will. So think that is a good relations that you and your mother have good job

Hey Ariel,
I think your post is really funny. It made want to read your blog as well as good to watch. I think this is so you to make a joke into everything and have fun in life, so why wouldn't you have fun you death. Good Job.

Hey Larche,
I like how you explained what a home funreal is to that if people didn't know they know do. I also like how you have a quote. As well as write all the soucres that you use good. But I like you explain why home funeral is a good thing. I think home funerals are a good thing to really say bye to your love ones. What do you think you would do or want done for you?

Hey Jessica,
I think that it brave of you to your friend about her grandmother. And I think it is sad they had to be there when she died. I think that is sad that her kids will not get to know their grandmother. But I think you should talked tou her about the things we learned about in class.


meliwitz said...

what strikes me is about your blog is the conversations with your family members and the fact that some have never really thought about dying.

The family would like for it to be celebratory, but I think the reality is that many people's emotional state goes through the stages that require us to morn and then reflect on the loss and the memories that remain.
It seems that this class has offered you an opportunity to talk with your family about many aspects of life that everyone can connect to.

ariel b. said...
You are very much right. An honest opinion is always great. I found what you said about peoples reactions to be humorous. Yet i agree some people might feel disrespected when you ask them questions like that. But have you wondered why? i think that it might be because they are scared of reality and prefer to ignore the fact that they will die. It was nice that you say you don't want others to be too worried about your death because your fun and funny. I feel the same way but since i know i like to give to others that's why i'd like resomation.

jessica c said...
i thought you had a good project going. i like towards the end about you and your mother. when you said that even though you and your mother have different view on religion, that it couldve been different for the way you guys care. but its not and i think that is very common with everybody. it doesnt matter what religion someone believes in (if they even do)it still comes down to one thing. they still believe in the person is in a good place and that no matter where they are, they are happy and accepted

good job.

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